Friday, 1 July 2011

Penguin bands old look

Hi there guys well today when I met penguin band I did wonder how they did look before. Then I quickly went on the web and looked for pics of there old looks. For a start of each band member was a bit the same because they all had the same hat and really the only thing separating them apart was some other clothes, there colors and there instruments. Now all band members are different and have some new as funky clothes. By the way they look awesome.

I met Franky on server alaska

YAY today I met Franky from penguin band on server alaska. He did do lots of things like play music for us and did let us join his band. I asked if I could play tuba and he said YES. We had so much fun with Franky but he had to go after about 10 minutes. I only got to take one pic but it was fun meeting him.
Hope to see you some other time Franky.