Friday, 1 July 2011

I met Franky on server alaska

YAY today I met Franky from penguin band on server alaska. He did do lots of things like play music for us and did let us join his band. I asked if I could play tuba and he said YES. We had so much fun with Franky but he had to go after about 10 minutes. I only got to take one pic but it was fun meeting him.
Hope to see you some other time Franky.


Coolpiggy11 said...

Hi there and I have to say well done for meeting franky.

Coolpiggy11 said...

Hi there and I have to say well done for meeting franky.

Coolguy17 said...

Luckey you I have only met rookie and he is pretty boring. But anyone in penguin band are cool!

Saraapril said...

HI well done it was nice playing with you in cp.